Sunday, December 14, 2014


Well, this will most likely be the last post I ever make on this blog...
But I gotta say, it's been a pretty swell semester. I'm glad I got to spend it with all of you, listening to your comments, eating cookies, and watching Hobbit and Sherlock videos every other day together. It was also fun being able to claim that entire long table (second from the back) all to myself for basically the whole semester... And to those groupies that I got to work with on our projects and peer reviews and whatnot, you guys are all really smart and fun people. Thanks for actually being awesome, helpful, and hard-working group mates!

I suppose the papers for this class really weren't that bad, now thinking back on them, even though I could have done so much better on them if I didn't procrastinate so much... I was surprised at how many useful things I learned from this class and how informative it turned out to be. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be, because it seemed like it would just be a rehash of AP English in high school. Maybe it's too soon to say, but I'm happy to say that I've gained what I hoped to from this class: it opened my eyes to new possibilities and techniques, helped me to become a better writer, and yes! I've completed a general!

Even though this class has ended, I'm pretty sure I'll still have about 150 things to do in 3 days. After all, my life always feels stressful, and I'll never stop writing (150 ha ha ha). And as for the 3 days...? I suppose I can reveal what that was referencing to now:
(I didn't write this, but I think it's got the rhetoric to be worthy of this class...)

“Time...cruel and fearful...
A swamp, where one is about to be executed for a crime he did not commit...
A sea, where a fallen musician can only lament his failure...
A mountain, where a leader is powerless to save his people...
A valley, where the ghosts of the past still fight a war that has long since ended...
A town...caught between it all...where the end begins...
And one boy...a hero...with all the time in the world...and no time at save this world...
This is Majora's Mask.”

Yep. :) Welp, it's been fun! Good luck on finals and with the rest of your lives! And thanks Kaleigh Spooner for being an awesome professor! Au revoir!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reflecting on Some Issues

I really don’t like research papers. This research paper on why youth are leaving religions was no different quite honestly; I really didn’t enjoy writing this paper at all. They’re just long and often about things I don’t particularly care about. The thing about this issue is that there are so many reasons why youth are leaving, not just one single narrow one. Also, I feel like I’m really bad at finding adequate, scholarly research. Anytime I do find something that may make a useful contribution, it turns out to be like a whole book that I would have to search through in order to find that one small, valuable piece of information. Regrettably, I feel like I wasn’t very good in coming up with solutions; my call to actions were very broad and probably not all that effective. On top of that, having to write an 8-10 page paper is just stressful.

Fortunately, there were some effective rhetorical devices that I used in my issues paper. These included pathos and ethos in my intro by revealing who I was and my own personal experiences and in connecting with my audience, and logos through the research and stats. I provided analogies (which made the paper more exciting, adding a bit of color to it), and I feel like I had good sentence structure and organizations. I like to think my paper was easy to follow and my argument made sense, despite the flaws. Because the multi-model project is like a mini research project but with an exciting design, I will be able to use these devices. I will need the research to make my claims reliable. Adding analogies, along with other types of imagery and tropes, will add extra elements of design, making the project that much more appealing, interesting, and convincing.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Style Academy #5

Before watching the video:
I decided I wanted to learn more about tropes and schemes today. I honestly don’t have much clue about what either of those are or what they do, so I’m hoping this video will help me be more informed and knowledgeable about their designated purposes. According to the lesson summary, tropes are tricks that turn or change the meaning of words, like a metaphor, and schemes are language patterns I can use to keep my readers engaged with my writing. Both of these sound like very useful tools I can use in my writing, especially schemes because I don’t think that I keep my readers that engaged. My writing sometimes sounds quite boring, so these tricks sound like great ways to enhance my writing.

After watching the video:
The purpose of tropes, I learned, is to compare two very different things to create and get some deeper meaning. They try to create an identification between two unrelated or unlike things. They are actually arguments. Tropes include writing devices like metaphors, similes, analogies, synecdoche, metonymy, irony, hyperboles, epithets, and litotes. So it turns out I actually did know some tropes; I just didn’t know they were all classified under the name of being a trope. Schemes don’t compare, but play with how words appear in the text. They include repetition, balance, omission, and transposition. I knew some of these as well; however, I wasn’t all too familiar with transpositions, so I got to learn that they invert certain words or phrases in a sentence to create an odd syntax. I got to see the rhetorical power that tropes and schemes have in writing.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Issues Paper Intro

The youths of our various churches have been deserting the religions they’ve grown up with, their faith deteriorating at an alarming speed. You great leaders hail from a generation renowned for its faithfulness, but now watch the youth of this day from a perceived detached and misunderstanding perspective. You probably have heard and thought that the best way to reach out to these young adults and to keep them from falling away is to make your religious meetings less boring and cooler, you and your preachers seem more laid back and hip, to provide pizza at your newly organized and fun social gatherings. While that may indeed motivate a select few to show up every once in a while, that course of action will do very little indeed to direct the youth back to church. The youth aren’t looking for parties, as they can easily find those. What they want is solace and peace. Growing up, I, a youth of this age, had both religious and non-religious friends. However, both groups were distinctly separate parts of my life. I remember struggling between doing what I was taught to be morally right, to stand for what I believed, to not do anything to disgrace my religion; or doing what my non-religious friends thought would be fun but was wrong, what society said was acceptable and desirable, what science and the secular claimed they had proven to be unarguably correct. My struggles were real and were present nearly every day. There were times that I thought to myself that it would be easier to go on without religion in my life and that when I was old enough, I would stop going to church. Thankfully, my testimony solidified and my faith strengthened and I am still here today. Unfortunately, that is not the same with all the young adults of today. The truth of the matter is that religion is portrayed as the enemy. Science, politics, society are all seemingly at war with religion. And our youth feel like they’re caught up in the crossfire, stuck between what appears easy and what seems right. They feel torn between the two sides, as both are a part of them. But they find it easier to leave religion than it is to leave everything else. Because while society attacks doctrinal practices and science tries to disprove scripture and evolution contradicts creation and peers reject morals, religion doesn’t counterattack but instead defends itself on all sides. It is so much easier to be safely behind the swinging swords than to be holding up the shield against them. While religion is greatly polarized with science, society, peers, and even personal desires, we can help the youth find solace, peace, and compatibility with the rest of the world.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Wee Bit of Research

The question I am trying to answer with my research is why so many youths are leaving churches. The reason behind this topic is, predictably, is that in the last few years youths have been fleeing religious services in large numbers. The authorities/stakeholders involved in this issue are the leaders of several different religions.

Some possibly relevant sources:

-Dropouts and Disciples: How many students are really leaving the church? by Ed Stetzer
Online article -- May 14, 2014

-10 Surprising Reasons Our Kids Leave Church by Marc Yoder -- Online article

-Reasons Youth are Leaving Church with William Lane Craig -- Interview -- 2014

-Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church by Barna Group -- Online article -- 2011

-Congregational Connectivity: The Key to Keeping Youth in the Church by Timothy S. Gibson
HBLL online article -- 2004

Rhetorical Analysis

Zindler’s Battlecry: In the Name of Science!
Frank Zindler is a prominent Atheist and editor of American Atheist Magazine. He served as president for a time of the atheist organization American Atheists. In 2003, Zindler published the article “A Government in Thrall to Religion”, advocating a call to action to his fellow Atheists to free the American government from the grasp of religion and to restore it to one of science and reason. In doing so, he undermines Bush’s presidency by attacking his religion and political decisions and effectively appeals to his audience through ways of a condemning diction, biblical analogies and allusions, rhetorical questions, and compelling anaphora.
The article is riddled with an ominous and condemning diction geared towards religion. He describes religion as “ancient dreams of primitive priests”, a danger, a “greedy and conscienceless corporations” fantasies, “lethally wishful”, embarrassing, ignorant, a failure. When he writes, “I don’t think he is really that evil,” Zindler is indirectly stating that religion is, in fact, evil. The use of this diction puts a negative light on religion in an attempt to convince his audience of its precariousness. By utilizing this particular word choice, he is, in essence, spreading throughout his article the notion that “[n]othing fails like prayer.” We can’t trust or rely on religion. Antithetically, he refers to his own side – one of science and learning – with a righteous diction. He expresses science as a “great benefactor, liberator, and secular savior”, beautiful, an antidote, good, enlightened.
By juxtaposing these two types of dictions – the corruption of the church and the benevolence of science – there is a stark contrast between his side and the opposition. Although Zindler’s diction is very biased, in doing so, he eliminates any possible gray area, creating two very distinct sides. Zindler is aware that his atheist audience – though they are not all as extreme as him and some are actually tolerable of religion – is already at least partially on his side, but that he fully needs them persuaded before he can initiate his call to action. By using this authoritative language, he is effectively driving his audience up the wall and onto his side, resulting in no doubt in the readers’ mind of which side is the better option. Through this emotional appeal, he is really herding in and rallying his forces.
Throughout his article, Zindler also uses multiple biblical analogies and allusions to establish his authority as an informed leader concerning religion and to further poke fun at Bush’s religion. Interestingly, this Atheist proponent compares President Bush to the angel who banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. However, in doing so he strongly associates Bush with Christianity, boldly expressing that it is Bush’s religion that wants to keep us from “[eating] the fruit of the tree of life,” – from being able to gain “practical immortality.” This analogy also adds to Zindler’s credibility, suggesting that he is knowledgeable on the Bible and Christian teachings; he believes to have found fault with them and that he is thus authorized to exploit its misleading falsities.
Another Biblical reference he makes is when he says, “He knoweth not what he doeth.” In writing this line in a scriptural dialect, there is a tone of mocking, making fun of Bush and his church; it puts the blame of Bush’s flawed presidency on religion. This likewise alludes to Jesus Christ, as Christ spoke similar words as he died on the cross. By using this phrase, Zindler compares himself to Christ, essentially telling his audience that he is their savior. He will save man from their impending peril if they will only “come follow [him].”
In addition, Zindler references the Holy Roman Inquisition. By saying that we “now face a danger such as they have not seen since [that time],” he compares religion of today as presenting the same danger as the Inquisition. The Roman Inquisition, which was originally intended to return heretics to the Roman Catholic Church by revealing the falsity of their opinions, developed into the belief that the church needed to be protected from the criminal heretics, resulting in horrid punishments, such as burning at the stake. This allusion is meant to frighten his readers onto his side, declaring to them that, just like the Roman Inquisition, a government ruled by religious leaders would turn against the Atheist community; eventually they would be persecuted and dealt with through cruel retributions. This scare tactic works well to play on his readers’ fears, and as illogical as it is, it portrays a memorable picture that sticks in the minds of his audience.
The rhetorical questions posed by Zindler also play a role in strengthening his pathos. He asks his audience, “If a government relies upon a god, who can rely upon that government to find solutions o the world’s problems? If elected officials believe in an undetectable world beyond the reach of science, who can trust their judgment in the real world?” Zindler could easily answer these questions for his audience himself, but instead he lets them linger. By doing so, his readers naturally answer the questions themselves, it not only leaves a lasting effect on their minds, but it immerses them into his topic, making his proposed issue now their issue too. He also asks, “Why shouldn’t we set foxes to guard our hen houses?” This answer is obvious to most anyone. The audience easily answers this themselves, and instantly make the connection that Zindler means to compare this to the dangers of leaving government in the hands of religion.
Probably the most memorable and long lasting effect of Zindler’s article is in his use of anaphora, or repetition of a few words. The first case of anaphora he uses is with the word “if” in his demeaning of the president. Multiple times he mentions the ignorance of Bush, saying, “If the president could understand”, “If the president realized”, and “If he understood”. By doing this, Zindler renders a picture in the readers’ minds of what life could be like, what incredible discoveries and opportunities could be available, if only the government was guided by science rather than religion. This vision lingers in the mind as a wishful longing. Zindler then uses this yearning to his advantage by then boldly declaring that it can be possible if they together dispel the ignorance from government.
Zindler then begins his call to action, proclaiming what it is that they need to do, exclaiming the severity of their task. This is where he establishes his most prominent and effective use of anaphora by using the phrase, “we must”. This repetition in the phrases of “[w]e must act”, “[w]e must expose”, “[w]e must prevent”, “[w]e must set government”, “[w]e must rebuild”, “[w]e must restore”, “[w]e must educate”, and “[w]e must not fail” leaves a ringing of his call to action in the minds of his “cohorts”. However, instead of letting this ringing linger, Zindler abruptly cuts it off in a shocking manner. He unexpectedly changes his cry from “[w]e must not fail” into “[w]e dare not fail.” This sudden change from must to dare sharply cuts off the flow of the anaphora. By doing this, his call to action just ends, just like he warns that their species will if they don’t succeed. This impact hits hard, bringing home the portrayed gravity of the situation.
While Zindler has an abundant amount of emotional appeals and has done well to establish his credibility, there is very little evidence to support his biased claims; however, he does well to override this flaw through the memorable images he painted as well as the lingering questions and phrases he instilled. Nevertheless, psychologically people are more eager to listen to and agree with an argument that supports their own side, whether it’s factual or not. Because Zindler’s audience was already at least partially on his side, he didn’t have to worry so much on the logical as he did on motivating his audience to action through the emotional.
Another flaw in his article was during his call to action when he said, “We must start next Tuesday.” Predictably, there was certainly an event that was to occur that Tuesday, but to someone who is uninformed on what that event might be, this phrase feels like a major stumbling block in his call to action. It seems almost like one of those bad procrastination jokes. Fortunately, the rest of Zindler’s call to action patches up this little misstep.

Throughout the article, Zindler attacks Bush’s religion by degrading his presidency and effectively sways his fellow atheists fully onto his side through his use of a juxtaposed diction, biblical references, and lingering rhetorical questions. By the end, he’s ready to deliver a persuasive and enticing call to action through his use of compelling anaphora. Despite his logical fallacies and radical claims, he confidently rallies his atheist “cohorts” in a conquest against the minions of religion that “threatens our very species with extinction.”

Friday, October 3, 2014

"Faith in America" Appeals

           The purpose of Mitt Romney’s speech, Faith in America, was to both convince the American people that his religion would not interfere with his presidency were he to be elected and to inform the nation of the important role that religion plays in America’s freedom.
            In appealing to ethos, Romney credibility was established several ways. First, in simply being able to speak at the George Bush Presidential Library and being introduced by the president himself gives him validity. He also had the appropriate point of view, explaining to the people why he would be a reliable president. He shares personal information with his audience as well, revealing to them his political background as the Governor of Massachusetts and the ways in which he separates church and state.
            With pathos, he connected with his audience through his word choice and examples. He related to other religious groups by expressing his love for the different admirable qualities of them. He also uses multiple quotes from noteworthy people: John Adams, Lincoln, Jesus Christ. He recounted a story of the colonists who prayed for success and who through their endeavoring faith, founded this great nation.

            Romney was effective as well in his logos. He conveyed sufficient examples of how religion was the cause of much freedom and America’s development, of the ineffectiveness of a single established church, and the dangers of a theocratic tyranny. It was relevant due to those seeking to remove God from public domain; Romney argued that God in America is necessary.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Matchar's Appeal to Ethos

One really good thing she did to strengthen her article was that she established that she was an atheist. If she was a Mormon mom as well, then it wouldn't be all that surprising at all that she would be reading other Mormon housewife blogs. It's the fact that she's an atheist, who is not interesting in joining the church whatsoever, that really stands out and makes us think, "Hmm, maybe there is something new and interesting to be found here." Her using the word "uplifting" hits much deeper than when an LDS viewer, who uses that word regularly, says it.

Another thing she does is she tells us that she is not the only one who does this. She gives many examples of friends or other non-Mormon bloggers who are also obsessed with these blogs. In doing so, this reveals to us that this isn't merely a "personal issue" she has that she feels like venting to us, but is something that is commonplace and familiar to several people.

A third thing she does to give herself credibility is that she explains to us how much different she is to these LDS women. She tells us that she is childless, has a demanding career, and has been imprinted upon that marriage and motherhood are demeaning and unimportant; basically the exact opposite of these Mormon housewife blogs. It makes the readers beg the question, "What is it about these blogs that is so alluring to you, when they are so completely different from your own life?"

Monday, September 29, 2014

Op-Ed Reflection

At first, I was expecting the Op-Ed to be another one of those "write a long essay about some controversial issue that you don't care too much, and that will surely make you struggle coming up with more than a single page of material on" papers. At first, that is what I was preparing myself to do. Then my outlook on this paper changed when I looked at other people's Op-Eds, and I realized it was really supposed to be on something I have a strong opinion on. I realized this paper didn't have to be a fight with someone, didn't have to be a black-and-white argument, didn't even have to be an argument at all. I was merely supposed to bring to light an issue I've noticed and persuade people to change their outlook concerning said issue.

I feel like in my paper, I appealed a lot to Pathos: I used quotes, analogies, emotion, daily observations, and real-life situations. Along with that, I appealed to Ethos and tried to make myself both credible and connectable to my audience. I revealed to them that I am a female college student of BYU, and I confessed some of my faults to them in the effort that they would feel like they could relate to me in some way. Concerning Logos, I didn't really use statistics or anything factual like that; however, I do think my argument made a lot of sense, and I was told that it was a very new and fresh way to approach this issue.

What didn't work? Well I hope it all works, but maybe I was a little weak in my Logos. For someone intellectually and factually driven, this paper probably wouldn't appeal to them a whole lot; I guess that wasn't really my target audience though. Also, even though this is an Op-Ed, I think maybe I was a little too opinionated in my argument, and also maybe a bit too selective about my audience. I was clearly addressing a religious community when really this topic can be applicable to most everyone.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Style Academy

The introduction was, frankly, quite boring. My mind easily wandered off, and it wasn't until there were about 10 seconds left of the video that I realized I was watching something that I probably should have been paying some attention to.

Other than the introduction video though, I thought Style Academy made some pretty interesting points and helpful suggestions. I've, for a while now, thought of myself fairly good at sentence structure, with adding that "stuff", or interruptions, to lengthen and further detail it, but the idea of imitating someone else's style was never something I've considered before; to use the styles of accomplished writers as a guide to becoming more eloquent.  It's also interesting to see the many ways sentences can be combined to have different effects, highlighting the idea that I can put a greater emphasis on certain things simply by the way I link sentences together. These are both great concepts that can really help us to strengthen and really develop the ways in which we write, aiding us in our efforts to sound more intelligent, proficient, and persuasive.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thesis Proposal

So I've decided I wanted to change what I write about. Because we’re writing this op-ed for the Daily Universe, why not make it relevant specifically to BYU students then. So instead, I want to focus on self-esteem…

Thesis Proposal: While having self-esteem is important for one’s personal confidence and is defined as a favorable impression of oneself, working intently on gaining an impressionable one can lead to more harm than good. Rather, there needs to be a greater focus on divine worth.

  1. Even as college students, many of us are still trying to figure out who we are and where we belong in the world. We desire a sense of importance in our lives and to be someone noteworthy. We desire self-esteem. However, self-esteem is feeling confident from a worldly perspective, gained primarily from comparing yourself to others. Focusing on your divine worth instead, though, is seeing yourself as the incredible individual that you are through the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Even for those BYU students who aren't LDS can come recognize that they have a divine worth uniquely exceptional, just by looking inward and recognizing the qualities and attributes that make you remarkable.

  2. The reason I bring up this topic is that there are so many people trying so hard to impress others rather than themselves: caking so much makeup on to look more attractive, acting loud and obnoxious to try to gain attention, being a show-off to impress others, feeling like being immodest is necessary to be desirable. These are some of the issues that come with working for a self-esteem. A lack of confidence in yourself comes from comparing your weaknesses to the strengths of others.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

GASCAP Something or Other

Argumentation by Generalization:
According to a recent poll, the majority were disappointed with Obama's presidency. Thus, Obama has got a disappointing presidency.

Argumentation by Analogy:
If my friends all bought the same type of car and were delighted with their purchase, then I'll be delighted with buying one as well.

Argumentation by Sign:
There are some bear tracks in the snow. Therefore, a bear passed this way.

Argumentation by Cause:
The more exposure to violent media, the more aggressive we are. Therefore, it is violent media that is making us aggressive.

Argumentation by Authority:
Elder Bednar promised that if you do family history work, you will be safeguarded throughout your life. Therefore, you should do family history work.

Argumentation by Principle:
Since we committed to abide by the honor code at BYU, wearing a miniskirt is against the dress code and is looked down upon.
-- Writing and Rhetoric Supplemental Guide: "A Miniskirt, Even With Leggings, Is Still A Miniskirt".

Friday, September 5, 2014



My name is Adelaide! I got my name because my dad went on his mission to Adelaide, Australia. Pretty neat! So, I'm just from Provo, Utah. I'm the fourth oldest of ten kids.

The title of this blog is a mixture of three things. First, the 150 references to this class (pretty obvious). Second, it's still only the first week of college and I'm already really stressed out. And the 3 days is reference to one of my greatest passions ever. Feel free to take a guess at what it's referencing to, and if you get it right... let's be friends.

A little about me... I'm a freshman. I'm thinking about going into either filming or animation. I enjoy creative writing, reading, and creating my own little films (all of which have so far been done for school projects). I'm a self-taught pianist. I used to play the flute and am now trying to learn the ocarina. My favorite movies ever are the Lord of the Rings trilogy followed very closely by the Hobbit trilogy.

There are so many things that make me happy: Making music, hanging out with my family, the smell of bananas and rain, the taste of french bread and peaches, catching fireflies. I love the church, watching movies, seeing the sunset, looking at the moon, and eating my pancakes with peanut butter. I enjoy creating things, making the ones I love laugh, knowing that I made the right decision, and having the assurance that God is with me.

From this class, I hope to - along with getting a general fulfilled - become a better writer. I enjoy writing, and I truly hope this class will open my eyes to new possibilities and techniques. I look forward to great semester with you all!