Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Matchar's Appeal to Ethos

One really good thing she did to strengthen her article was that she established that she was an atheist. If she was a Mormon mom as well, then it wouldn't be all that surprising at all that she would be reading other Mormon housewife blogs. It's the fact that she's an atheist, who is not interesting in joining the church whatsoever, that really stands out and makes us think, "Hmm, maybe there is something new and interesting to be found here." Her using the word "uplifting" hits much deeper than when an LDS viewer, who uses that word regularly, says it.

Another thing she does is she tells us that she is not the only one who does this. She gives many examples of friends or other non-Mormon bloggers who are also obsessed with these blogs. In doing so, this reveals to us that this isn't merely a "personal issue" she has that she feels like venting to us, but is something that is commonplace and familiar to several people.

A third thing she does to give herself credibility is that she explains to us how much different she is to these LDS women. She tells us that she is childless, has a demanding career, and has been imprinted upon that marriage and motherhood are demeaning and unimportant; basically the exact opposite of these Mormon housewife blogs. It makes the readers beg the question, "What is it about these blogs that is so alluring to you, when they are so completely different from your own life?"

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