Sunday, December 14, 2014


Well, this will most likely be the last post I ever make on this blog...
But I gotta say, it's been a pretty swell semester. I'm glad I got to spend it with all of you, listening to your comments, eating cookies, and watching Hobbit and Sherlock videos every other day together. It was also fun being able to claim that entire long table (second from the back) all to myself for basically the whole semester... And to those groupies that I got to work with on our projects and peer reviews and whatnot, you guys are all really smart and fun people. Thanks for actually being awesome, helpful, and hard-working group mates!

I suppose the papers for this class really weren't that bad, now thinking back on them, even though I could have done so much better on them if I didn't procrastinate so much... I was surprised at how many useful things I learned from this class and how informative it turned out to be. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be, because it seemed like it would just be a rehash of AP English in high school. Maybe it's too soon to say, but I'm happy to say that I've gained what I hoped to from this class: it opened my eyes to new possibilities and techniques, helped me to become a better writer, and yes! I've completed a general!

Even though this class has ended, I'm pretty sure I'll still have about 150 things to do in 3 days. After all, my life always feels stressful, and I'll never stop writing (150 ha ha ha). And as for the 3 days...? I suppose I can reveal what that was referencing to now:
(I didn't write this, but I think it's got the rhetoric to be worthy of this class...)

“Time...cruel and fearful...
A swamp, where one is about to be executed for a crime he did not commit...
A sea, where a fallen musician can only lament his failure...
A mountain, where a leader is powerless to save his people...
A valley, where the ghosts of the past still fight a war that has long since ended...
A town...caught between it all...where the end begins...
And one boy...a hero...with all the time in the world...and no time at save this world...
This is Majora's Mask.”

Yep. :) Welp, it's been fun! Good luck on finals and with the rest of your lives! And thanks Kaleigh Spooner for being an awesome professor! Au revoir!

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